
Download free taichi yaegashi
Download free taichi yaegashi

Taichi's obsession with being selfless is to the point where he has expressed a willingness to throw away his own life just to help another. Unable to bear watching other people suffer, Taichi has stated he would rather endure the hardships of others in their place if he could.

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By his third year, Taichi decides to attend the same university as Inaba and plans on studying biological science. "Saving the world" entails trying to solve problems like energy crisis, malnutrition, and environmental changes. In Yume Random, Taichi states he wishes to "save the world" in the future and chooses to take Science courses. This causes him to become obsessively paranoid of losing his memories and even leads him to consider abandoning his classmates who have become trapped in the Isolation Dimension in order to ensure the personal safety of the StuCS. Taichi is very fond of his friends and, in Asu Random I, he is shown to be afraid of losing his memories of the StuCS and the phenomenons to Record Deletion. Taichi is also a doting older brother to his sister, Rina, and, to his frustration, he is often accused of being a siscon/lolicon. He is shown to be one of the more studious StuCS members and he never chooses to copy homework as he finds it to be counterproductive and a bad habit. Taichi is also an honest and hardworking student. Of course, he is certainly not above throwing in a few smart remarks, but tries his best not to antagonize others. Taichi has also proven to be a very patient man rarely ever getting worked up and always trying to understand the viewpoints of others rather than starting an argument. He is a fan of pro wrestling, and has a lot of respect for pro wrestling jobbers. This trait has earned him the title "Selfless Freak" by Inaba. He will go to great lengths trying to help others even if it comes at his own expense or has no direct benefit to him.

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Taichi is depicted as a generally selfless and considerate individual.

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